Weihnachten: A Christmas in Germany
Christmas is celebrated in many different countries all around the world and each country has traditions personal to them. In this blog post I would like to explore the Christmas traditions that take place in Germany as I learn German and am interested in their culture. So, get your hot drinks at the ready and let’s dive into this cultural adventure!
One thing that Germany is extremely famous for is their extravagant Christmas markets which take place annually and usually begin on November 25th. At these beautiful markets, you will typically find handmade wooden toys and decorations, mulled wine, sweet treats and so much more! There are many famous German markets and they’re all known for their charm and festivity. Typical German markets are now also widespread across the globe as many people enjoy this festive event so much!
Another date that is significant in Germany is the 5th of December which is known as St Nicholas Day. On this day, German children clean and polish their shoes (usually boots) and leave them outside the door before going to sleep, it is known that the next day they then find sweets and small gifts left inside their boots all from St Nicholas.
Also used by many other countries, Advent Calendars are traditional in Germany and are an important countdown to Christmas for many German families (particularly children). Usually in these advent calendars, the children receive a small gift, parts of a story or a sweet treat.
An Advent Wreath is also a tradition that is well known around Germany and it is an important symbol of Christmas. The wreath has candles, pine cones, berries, Christmas ornaments and some dried flowers on it. There are varying dates as to when families get the wreaths out, some get them out at the start of December and burn one candle every Sunday, whereas others display it on the last Sunday before Christmas and then light the candles with the whole family.
Christmas Angels are the favoured Christmas ornaments all around Germany, they are put on Christmas trees and all-around homes during the Christmas period. They are typically made of wood and hold musical instruments.

And finally, Christmas Stollen! Stollen is a traditional Christmas cake in Germany which consists of fruits (they can be dried or candied) nuts and spices and it is then sprinkled with powdered sugar. On top of this, Germany is also famous for its Lebkuchen which is a traditional German treat at Christmas time. They usually contain honey, spices and nuts (and I can tell you from eating them, they are delicious!).
And so, there are a few Christmas traditions that you may see in Germany. I hope you’ve enjoyed journeying through another culture with me and you found some of these interesting. Do you have any Christmas traditions that are specific to your country or even your family?
I hope you all have a wonderful week and enjoy the countdown to Christmas!
Find Sophie on Instagram @learnwithsophs